

Environmental studies examines the interdependent relationships between humans and the environment. 我们系帮助学生培养专业知识, 信心, 作为学者,我们需要同理心来解决紧迫的环境问题, 科学家们, 积极分子, 政策制定者, 规划者, 艺术家, 说书人, 和更多的.


我们的目标是建立在 价值观、技能和经验 可以识别复合体, systemic inequities of environmental issues and actively empower people whose voices and perspectives have been marginalized. 这些包括:

  • 了解种族主义是如何, 殖民主义, and power shape environmental problems; appreciating the complexity of environmental challenges; and engaging in complicated dilemmas in a spirit of collaboration.
  • Using data, argument, and case studies to understand social, physical, and biological processes.
  • Participating in a transdisciplinary and collaborative learning community where fellow students, Faculty, 工作人员, 校友, 公众都是宝贵的专业知识来源.



Students gain skills, experiences, and values necessary to tackle pressing environmental challenges.


  • Elements and molecules interact with the environment producing global challenges such as climate change, 臭氧损耗, 重金属污染. This course is a general introduction to the chemistry of such environmental problems, 专注于调节效果的化学原理, 命运, 以及环境中化学物质的运输. It explores how the structure of a chemical relates to its environmental impact and how interactions can be predicted through chemistry. Assignments will include working with real data-sets of elements in the environment, 比如森林中的碳记录, 海洋中的氧气, 土壤中的重金属. 化学103是为没有多少化学经验的学生设计的. 本课程不计入化学主修课或副修课. (CHEM 103和ES 103是交叉列出的课程.)
  • This course examines the relationship between nature and society in American history. 这门课程将讨论诸如野牛大量灭绝之类的话题, 芝加哥的崛起, 自然灾害的历史, 以及战争对环境的影响. 本课程有三个目标:第一, we will examine how humans have interacted with nature over time and how nature, 反过来, 塑造了人类社会. 第二个, 我们将考察不同民族对待自然的态度是如何不同的, 的地方, 和时间, and we will consider how the meanings people give to nature inform their cultural and political activities. 第三, we will study how these historical forces have combined to shape the American landscape and the human and natural communities to which it is home. 而这门课关注的是过去, an important goal is to understand the ways in which history shapes how we understand and value the environment as we do today. (ES 299和HIST 299是交叉上市的课程.)


  • Students, 工作人员 and Faculty listening to a person who is standing and talking outside. 有些人坐在石凳上,有些人站着.

    弗罗斯特环境中心, 环境研究系所在地, 提供进入科学综合大楼的通道, 温室, 以及实验室设备. 彻底的跨学科, the Frost Center supports programming and initiatives that engage the whole community, 比如从生态诗学到环境正义等话题的演讲.

  • 温室里的各种植物和树木. 背景中可以看到玻璃板.

    A stunning greenhouse that embodies architectural 可持续性 and interdisciplinary education, Global Flora houses the College’s preeminent collection of plants in dry and tropical biomes.

  • 学生们和一位教授坐在实验桌旁. 教授看着他们的笔记本电脑,学生们检查一个烧杯. 另一个学生看着他们的笔记本电脑.

    The Environmental Science Research Laboratory is a shared space in which Faculty and students engage in research in the natural sciences that informs—and is motivated by—interdisciplinary environmental questions and issues. They analyze environmental samples ranging from plant material to ocean water and use the resulting data to better understand scientific processes and feedback. 图片来源:Dave Burk©SOM


  • 杰伊·特纳教授站在两个学生中间. 他们身后是两面美国国旗.

    Students working with Professor 杰。特纳 have tracked investments in clean energy manufacturing since the Inflation Reduction Act became law. 2023年3月, they were invited to brief the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy on what they had learned.

  • 两个学生站在桌子旁边微笑. 桌子上有文件和一个玩具屋.

    MetroWest能源正义合作组织, 我们系的一门独立学习课程, 和Niri Kumar一起工作, 他是卫尔斯理邻近城镇纳蒂克和弗雷明汉的能源倡导者, 2023年秋天. Students studied energy justice in class and worked on these issues through community-based projects.

  • Professor 贝丝DeSombre sits and drives a boat with a student standing next to her.

    我们如何使全球航运业更环保? 我们可以从世界各地的港口开始. Students working with Professor 贝丝DeSombre have researched 可持续性 measures at the busiest ports around the world with the help of a multiyear grant from the 社会 Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

  • 两个学生跪在树林里检查植物. 背景中的一个学生站着,手里拿着一个银色的装置.

    Sometimes a plant species can dominate one landscape yet be hard to find in a similar place nearby. Students in Professor 奥尔登格里菲斯’s lab research the mechanisms of plant population dynamics, with a particular focus on invasive species and the influence of local environmental conditions. 这项工作综合了现场和实验室的测量结果, 定量模型的发展, 温室实验.

  • Professor 丹Brabander kneels in a garden bed next to four students who are kneeling and examining a scanner.

    Students working with Professor 丹Brabander explore the intersection of geosciences and public health with a focus on legacy metal (e.g. 铅和砷)在环境中的流动性. Environmental justice communities are often disproportionately affected by these toxic elements in soil and dust. Professor Brabander’s lab works with community partners to co-discover research questions that lead to sustainable and transformative interventions for impacted communities.


  • 出国留学

    通过我们的合作机构, 学生可以在巴拿马参加以环境为重点的项目, 哥斯达黎加, 肯尼亚, 新西兰, 和其他地方.

  • 校外学习

    学生可以交叉注册麻省理工学院的环境研究课程, 奥林工程学院, 巴布森学院, 以及海洋研究协会.

  • 学生组织

    一些学生组织关注气候变化, 食物公正, 可持续性, 户外活动.



我们的许多毕业生成为学者, 科学家们, 积极分子, 卫生保健工作者, 政策制定者, 和艺术家. 他们在非营利部门工作,进行研究和教学. Recent employers include the Office of the Attorney General for Massachusetts, the U.S. 环境保护署, Maxeon Solar Technologies, 以及像自然保护法基金会这样的非营利组织, 阿卡迪亚海洋研究所, 与文化生存. Students have continued their studies at graduate programs including the Yale School of the Environment, 杜克大学尼古拉斯环境学院, 麻省理工学院城市研究与规划系, 斯坦福大学法学院.


Kayli Hattley
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